How to Live WELL in a Toxic World

How to Live WELL in a Toxic World

Finding yourself always just a bit under the weather? You don't feel BAD, but you don't feel GREAT, either. Many factors contribute to a toxic world. In this article, I will identify some and what can be done to counter their effects.

Things You'll Need:

Desire to do things differently than you may have in the past


Address household or office air quality first: Chemicals in household cleaning products, furniture and building materials, poor ventilation, electronic devices, etc. all contribute to poor air quality.


Use houseplants as "air cleaners". This is the easiest solution. Many clean the air of formeldahyde (in floor coverings, permanent press clothing, cigarette smoke, kerosene,natural gas, and others).... Benzene: (in detergents, pharmaceuticals, others)...... and TCE: (in printer inks, paint, adhesives, and others).

Great houseplant choices are: SPIDER PLANTS(easy to grow, take care of, live in most conditions), ENGLISH IVY, PEACE LILY, CHRYSANTHEMUM. There are many more. Not only do they clean air, but they can balance humidity levels in a room. 1 plant per 10 square feet is recommended.


Improve home and office pollution by limiting it to start with. Use "green" cleaning solutions whenever possible. Many are available on the market now, OR you can use essential oils. Lemon, tea tree, eucalyptus are all great oils to use for cleaning. Vinegar and baking soda are good cleansers as well.


Beware your drinking water quality. Some sort of filtration system apppears to be a must currently. Much info. is surfacing about prescription meds. ending up in drinking water. How's that for a cocktail of epic proportion? Meds., gasoline, solvents, bacteria, etc. are all present in drinking water to some degree. The level is dependent on your source, be it well, city, bottled, or imported.


Keep your environment clean ! Our waters are becoming increasingly contaminated, not only by large "dumping" in foreign or domestic waters by government, fishing companies, or corporations, but also by your neighbor who pours his used motor oil out on the ground after changing his car's oil/filter, and by the millions of prescription meds that got flushed down the toilet last year.


Pay attention to how you dispose of items. Burning tires and pressure treated wood release dangerous chemicals that deteriorate our ozone and hence, our air quality. This is more country living, of course, but something that often goes unnoticed as a problem.


Dispose and recycle appropriately. Old paint, solvents, gas, oil, printer ink, cell
, batteries, unused prescription meds, tires, pressure treated woods..... these ALL have a recycle or disposal system available to you. Some, you may have to pay a small fee to dispose of, but the long term benefit far outweighs the inconvenience.


The world is in a current state of change. Organic and eco-friendly are becoming more common household words. Bringing them into the everyday grocery store has helped immensely. TRY these products, and research other effective ways to live less toxic. It's easier than you think !!

Tips & Warnings

incorporate houseplants as air cleaners


purify your water

read labels on foods; can't pronounce it, maybe you shouldn't eat it.

clean fruits and veg. to get rid of pesticides, bacteria. Use vinegar or grapefruit seed extract in water.

receive regular massage or other hands-on bodywork to move toxins and help them to be eliminated more quickly from the body. Use detoxifying hydrotherapy baths.

avoid "toxic" people. You'll recognize them. They are negative, unhappy, and DRAIN your energy.

Beware of the toxicity of certain houseplants to your pets. Keep them up high if necessary.